Authors and Affiliates
Xavier Leleu 1,54 , Cyrille Hulin2,54, Jerome Lambert3, Arthur Bobin1, Aurore Perrot 4, Lionel Karlin5, Murielle Roussel6,
Lydia Montes7, Brieuc Cherel8, Thomas Chalopin9, Borhane Slama10, Marie-Lorraine Chretien11, Kamel Laribi12,
Claire Dingremont13, Christophe Roul14, Clara Mariette15, Sophie Rigaudeau16, Claire Calmettes17, Mamoun Dib18,
Mourad Tiab19, Laure Vincent20, Jacques Delaunay21, Alberto Santagostino22, Margaret Macro23, Emmanuelle Bourgeois24,
Frederique Orsini-Piocelle25, Julie Gay26, Benoit Bareau27, Noemie Bigot3, François Vergez28, Pierre Lebreton29,
Reza Tabrizi30, Agathe Waultier-Rascalou31, Laurent Frenzel32, Ronan Le Calloch33, Emilie Chalayer34, Thorsten Braun35,
Florence Lachenal36, Selim Corm37, Celine Kennel38, Rakiba Belkhir39, Jean-Sebastien Bladé40, Bertrand Joly41,
Valentine Richez-Olivier42, Helene Gardeney1, Helene Demarquette43, Daniela Robu-Cretu44, Laurent Garderet45,
Muriel Newinger-Porte46, Amine Kasmi47, Bruno Royer48, Olivier Decaux49, Bertrand Arnulf48, Karim Belhadj50,
Cyrille Touzeau51, Mohamad Mohty52, Salomon Manier53, Philippe Moreau51, Hervé Avet-Loiseau28, Jill Corre 28 &
Thierry Facon53
1Hematology, CIC 1082, U1313, CHU, University, Poitiers, France. 2CHU, Bordeaux, France. 3SBIM, Saint-Louis Hospital, Paris, France. 4University Hospital,
iUCT Oncopole, Toulouse, France. 5Hôpital Lyon Sud, Pierre-Benite, France. 6Hematology, CHU, Limoges, France. 7Hematology, CHU, Amiens, France.
8CH Bretagne Atlantique, Vannes, France. 9Hematology, CHU, Tours, France. 10Hospital center, Avignon, France. 11Hematology, University Hospital,
Inserm U1231, University of Burgundy Franche-Comté, Dijon, France. 12Hematology, CH, Le Mans, France. 13Internal Medicine, Tarbes-Lourdes Hospital,
Tarbes, France. 14CH La Rochelle, La Rochelle, France. 15Hematology, CHU, Grenoble, France. 16Hématologie – Le Chesnay, CH Versaille, Paris, France.
17CH, Périgueux, France. 18University Hospital, Angers, France. 19Hematology, CH Departemental de La Roche-sur-Yon, La Roche-sur-Yon, France.
20CHU, Montpellier, France. 21Hôpital privé du confluent 2, Nantes, France. 22Hematology, CH, Troyes, France. 23Hematology, IHBN – CHU, Caen,
France. 24GHICL, Lille, France. 25Hématologie, CH, Annecy Genevois, France. 26Hematology, CH de la côte basque, Bayonne, France. 27Hematology,
Les Hôpitaux Privés Rennais Cesson Sévigné - Vivalto Santé, Cesson Sévigné, France. 28Unit for Genomics in Myeloma, iUCT Oncopole, Toulouse,
France. 29Hematology, CH, Le Havre, France. 30Hematology, CHI de Mont De Marsan, Mont-de-Marsan, France. 31Hematology, CHU, Nîmes, France.
32Hematology, Necker Hospital, Paris, France. 33Hematology, CH de Cornouaille, Quimper Concarneau, Concarneau, France. 34Hematology, CHU,
Saint-Etienne, France. 35Hematology, Avicenne hospital APHP, Bobigny, France. 36CH Pierre Oudot, Bourgoin-Jallieu, France. 37Medipole de Savoie,
Challes les Eaux, France. 38CH William Morey, Chalon sur Saône, France. 39Rheumatology, Hopital Bicetre, AP-HP, Universite Paris Saclay, Paris, France.
40Onco-Hematology Department, HIA Sainte Anne, Toulon, France. 41CH Sud Francilien, Corbeil Essonnes, France. 42CHU de Nice, Nice, France.
43Hematology, CH, Dunkerque, France. 44Hematology, CH, Lens, France. 45Hopital Pitié Salpetriere, hématologie APHP, Paris, France. 46Hôpital Emile
Muller, Mulhouse, France. 47DRC, CHU, Poitiers, France. 48Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris, France. 49Hematology, UMR U1236, University Hospital, Rennes,
France. 50C.H.U. Henri Mondor, Créteil, France. 51Hématologie, CHU Hotel Dieu Université, Nantes, France. 52Hematology, Sorbonne University,
Saint-Antoine Hôpital (AP-HP), UMRs 938, Paris, France. 53Hematology, University Hospital Inserm U-S1277 and CNRS UMR9020, Lille, France.
54These authors contributed equally: Xavier Leleu, Cyrille Hulin.