New MRD Assessment Data Using clonoSEQ® To Be Presented at 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting and EHA2024 Hybrid Congress

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TCR Antigen Map

Discovery of TCR-based signatures across disease areas

Adaptive has partnered with Microsoft to map and decode the human immune system. Specialized cells of the adaptive immune system, T and B cells, constantly respond to infections and cancer. These same cells are also involved in different autoimmune disorders. By reading  and decoding the adaptive immune system, we aim to translate into the clinic the natural capability of the immune system to recognize and fight disease.

We use the exquisite specificity of T-cell receptors (TCRs) to discover and validate T-cell signatures of disease—from infectious diseases to autoimmune conditions and in the future, potentially to cancer. We do this by building a map that links trillions of TCRs with millions of disease antigens. Our goal is to make the diagnosis and monitoring of disease more accurate and reliable.

By combining our proprietary immunosequencing technology, computational modeling, and machine learning capabilities, we are making significant advances in how we can better detect and treat disease. Our drug discovery capabilities allow us to discover and fully characterize immune receptors—TCRs and antibodies—to develop as therapeutic products.




Neurodegenerative disorders

Building the TCR-Antigen Map to Read
How the Immune System Fights Disease

Together with Microsoft, we are mapping TCRs to antigens at massive scale—linking trillions of TCRs with millions of clinically relevant antigens—to identify and validate disease signatures to improve diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of many diseases.

This collaboration is a cornerstone of the Microsoft Healthcare NExT initiative. Together, we are focused on translating the biology of the adaptive immune system to better understand and treat disease.

Decoding the Immune System to
Better Diagnose and Treat Disease

Blood Sample

The immune system is nature’s most finely tuned diagnostic, providing a fingerprint of a person’s health in their blood.


We sequence T-cell receptors (TCRs) from each individual sample that store the diagnostic information.

AI/machine learning

We discover disease-specific TCR signatures by comparing TCRs across disease-specific cases and controls.

T-cell signature

Disease-specific signatures may be used by doctors and researchers to improve the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.